Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Enjoying Spring!

My new kitty, named Champion, is home after spaying, having drains in her leg removed, and is getting friendlier everyday now. She still gets medicine, but afterward she gets a tiny treat of Easter ham and a lot of patting. She purrs and plays. It's great!
Today is cold, but partly cloudy. The forsythia are bright yellow, the shadblow trees have bloomed their lacey white, daffodills have raised their bright faces, and the grass is incredibly green. The past week has been very warm for this time of year and I've enjoyed several early morning walks up the hill behind our house. The earth has come alive and there is the sweet smell of the earth awakening. Those warm days the air softly moved, songbirds sang in all directions, and the brook rushed out of the hills over hundreds of small waterfalls.
As I stood at the top of the hill, the morning shadows accented the panorama below. The view is always breathtaking, but those days in early spring there is a euphoria when looking out over God's country. Spring!
I'm working on some pieces showing garden themes. I like to show cross sections that suggest what is going on below the earth, as well as the plants above the ground. There are many layers to everything and I like to suggest patterns and forces beyond our normal vision. Many of my jewelry pouches work with this theme and many batik that I've recently finished, but have not mounted on dowels or carved hangers yet.
It is close to the time when I will mix up many dye baths for the fabric that has been waxed for the first stage of dye. All sizes and themes need to be sorted ahead so the dyeing will progress smoothly. Not to be forgotten, is dyeing the rolled silk and ribbon used to hang the dowel holding the batik.

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