Sunday, March 7, 2010


Last week the fields changed from brown to white! The heavy snow fell softly and silently. All was so beautiful, shrouded in white, the branches low to the ground under the weight of the wet snow. A feeling that nowhere else existed but this quiet peaceful white filled me.Out of the snow three deer appeared and came close to the house to nibble on the shrubs.
We were lucky to not lose the power. I was able to continue waxing the pieces I'd hoped to finish.
Today, March 6th, it is turning to spring. The harsh March winds of the past two days has ceased, leaving us with a still cold night of 15 degrees.The temperature now is 40 degrees and rising. The sap is finally running. There will be some maple syrup after all. The twenty inches of snow that we had, has mostly melted and large patches of brown grass fill southern facing fields. The fields sloping north have held onto the snow, but there's not enough to go cross country skiing on.
I've been working on many sketches for designs for new batik.Our mountains, the coming pastoral scenes with sheep, cattle, horses, and the ever changing light and colors of mother nature - my favorite subjects.

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